Recent Projects Overview

Subway Loyalty Microsite

Project Info


Subway Indonesia


Subway Loyalty Microsite

Tech Stack

Flutter, Android SDK


Our solution introduces a convenient approach for Subway customers to enhance their benefits seamlessly. Our primary goal is to align with Subway Indonesia's vision by providing an efficient system dedicated to promoting customer loyalty and retention.

In the modern landscape, the challenge lies in the preference for application-based systems. Our solution addresses this challenge by offering a user-friendly design that simplifies the process. Customer acquisition is effortless through a hassle-free registration process initiated from the Subway cashier, enabling customers to enjoy added benefits without any disruption to their experience.

Our Solution

Subway has re-entered the Indonesian market in 2021, showcasing its focus on fresh sandwich offerings tailored for the burgeoning middle-class demographic. Alongside its product emphasis, Subway aims to provide added customer benefits, extending beyond the culinary experience to include loyalty rewards. As part of this initiative, Subway Indonesia seeks to empower its customers by implementing a stamp-based rewards program, enabling customers to earn stamps through their registered Subway membership using their phone numbers, providing added convenience for membership registration.

The Solution

Our innovative solution provides a seamless process for customers to earn stamps with every transaction at Subway stores. We developed a middleware that integrates with the core backend of the ESB system. This integration allows transactions to be synchronized in real-time and converted into digital stamps that can be redeemed for various rewards and benefits.

Furthermore, our system is integrated with Qontak, a leading WhatsApp Business Provider in Indonesia. This integration enables us to notify Subway customers of their earned stamps directly through WhatsApp. Our approach significantly simplifies the process, ensuring that Subway customers do not need to install or engage with a new system to enjoy rewards. The experience remains seamless without any added hurdles for the customers.


The Impact

The system is currently operational and awaiting the official launch by Subway Indonesia (accessible at We anticipate that the system will enhance the overall experience for Subway customers. By rewarding every transaction with digital stamps that can be redeemed for various benefits, Subway can expect an increase in returning customers. From the customer's perspective, we are confident that they will enjoy and reap the benefits of their patronage at Subway.
