Recent Projects Overview’

Alfamind Mobile App

Project Info


Alfamart Group


Alfamind Mobile App

Tech Stack

Python, N8N Workflow, ReactNative, GCP MariaDB, GCP Compute Engine, GCP Redis, GCP Cloud Run (serverless)


As Alfamart expands its network, it encounters challenges related to the capital-intensive nature of establishing new minimarkets, particularly in geographically remote and less urbanized areas.

Our Solution

Our solution is designed to address the capital-intensive challenges of expanding into new areas through digitalization and the creation of an innovative business model tailored to Alfamart's needs.

Our strategy involves optimizing the existing Alfamart network, minimarkets, and logistics to better serve end-users. In collaboration with Alfamart, we've developed a cutting-edge business model that empowers individuals to become reseller agents for Alfamart through a digital application.

The Solution

This application offers an innovative solution to Alfamart Group for expanding into second and third-tier cities in Indonesia by facilitating individuals to become Alfamart reseller agents. These reseller agents gain direct visibility into the product margins, which translates to increased revenue opportunities for those participating in the reseller program.


The Impact

The current version of the application, now at 4.0, has seen significant evolution. Our Managed Service team actively contributes to system maintenance, ensuring its consistent reliability. Several key enhancements have been rolled out, including:

- Implementation of a loyalty program aimed at bolstering customer and reseller agent retention.
- Introduction of a novel feature empowering reseller agents to establish dedicated online stores for their businesses.
